The logo for the heart foundation and healthy active by design.

Healthy Active by Design

Designing for heart health

Welcome to Healthy Active by Design

This website was created by the Heart Foundation to provide best-practice, evidence-based resources and guidance to support industry professionals and decision makers to create more walkable, liveable neighbourhoods for heart health.

It is a unique digital toolkit that incorporates physical movement and health considerations into design outcomes.

Get started by viewing our Introductory Training Resource or explore the Design Features below:

What is Healthy Active by Design?

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About us

Read about who we are, what we do and why planning for health is important.

News and Events

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Have a question? Send us a message and we'll get back to you.

Supporting modules

Informing best practice for improvements to the walkability of Australia’s places and spaces, meeting the needs of our rapidly ageing population and those living in less advantaged areas.

Explore the modules
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