Case Studies

Bennelong Bridge

Design Feature

Type of project
New South Wales
Bennelong Bridge was officially opened in May 2016 and was planned, designed and delivered by Billbergia Group under a Voluntary Planning Agreement with the New South Wales Government. The Bridge is Australia’s first major public transport infrastructure project to be funded by the private sector at no cost to Government. Stretching more than 330 metres across Homebush Bay, Bennelong Bridge provides a direct link between two of Sydney's fastest growing high-density communities at Rhodes and Wentworth Point - reducing the travel distances between them from 8 kilometres to less than 400 metres. This ‘Active Transport’ Bridge has been designed for use by pedestrians and cyclists along with public transport buses and future light rail – however, use by private vehicles is excluded.
Bridging the active travel gap
The concept for a pedestrian and cycle bridge across Homebush Bay was first identified in New South Wales Government planning documents in 2003. In 2010, an expanded privately funded proposal was submitted to Government by Billbergia Group on behalf of four Wentworth Point landowners to deliver a public transport bridge with two vehicle lanes, along with a shared cycle and pedestrian path. The proposal was subsequently declared a Major Project under delegation of the Minister for Planning and was approved on 22 March 2013, following detailed planning and assessment.
The realisation of the $63 million Bennelong Bridge is the culmination of more than six years of planning and construction and marks a significant investment by the landowner’s alliance. It demonstrates the significant public benefits that can be achieved through collaboration between government and the private sector, for the delivery of public and active transport infrastructure to support urban renewal.
Bennelong Bridge has facilitated the transformation of two former industrial precincts on the banks of Parramatta River and delivered the public infrastructure needed to create a sustainable residential community of more than 50,000 people within a 1 kilometre walkable radius of the Bridge. Within this 1 kilometre radius, the Bridge connects the communities to shopping, a park, child care, community centres and library, a new school (scheduled to open in 2018), and 450 hectares of public open space, as well as ferry, bus and rail services.
The Bridge enhances social and economic opportunities for the communities on both sides of Homebush Bay by improving access to services, community facilities, public open space and an efficient movement network. It provides a direct connection from City of Canada Bay’s network of cycle paths to more than 35 kilometres of cycle paths at Sydney Olympic Park, as well linking to the newly opened, 20 kilometre Parramatta Park to Sydney Olympic Park cycle and pedestrian path network.
Project team
  • Billbergia Group
  • Wentworth Point Landowners Alliance
  • Scott Carver
  • Arup
  • Golder Associates
  • Biosis Research
  • Rider Levett Bucknell
  • KJA
  • VSL
  • Brady Marine
  • New South Wales Department of Planning and Environment
  • New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services

Project cost
$63 Million 
Health value
  • Bennelong Bridge supports healthy lifestyles and increases community cohesion for the residents of both Wentworth Point and Rhodes with better access to a wide range of lifestyle services and public open space. The bridge provides a safe, separated path for cyclists and walkers to engage in recreational physical activity and active transport.
  • Prior to construction of the bridge, residents of Wentworth Point had limited public transport options and faced an 8 kilometre drive along congested roads to reach the city’s rail networks. The 330 metre bridge plays a critical role in connecting Wentworth Point with Sydney’s public transport network, specifically the Rhodes Railway Station and the recently upgraded Sydney Olympic Park Ferry Wharf. Thus providing an alternative to private car use by encouraging sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport.
  • In 2017, Billbergia hosted the inaugural Billbergia Bennelong Bridge Run, the first ever community run event taking place in Sydney’s waterside suburbs, Rhodes and Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park. The 10 kilometre ‘fast run’ provided residents and visitors with a competitive course, while the free 2 kilometre Fun Run encouraged families and children to participate.

Economic value
  • Bennelong Bridge delivers a critical link between the Strategic Centre of Rhodes and Sydney Olympic Park, identified in the Greater Sydney Commission’s District Plans.
  • It opens the Wentworth Point Peninsula with improved transport connections for residents and supports the provision of additional housing supply, close to jobs and transport.
  • A recent PWC report investigating ‘value creation’ has found the Bridge project has created $2.1 billion in increased value, with the NSW Government being the largest beneficiary at over $500 million so far.

Environmental Value
  • The Project sets a benchmark for privately funded, environmentally sustainable public transport infrastructure, and increases connectivity between Wentworth Point and Sydney’s rail network via Rhodes railway station.
  • The public and active transport benefits provide a significant opportunity to reduce private vehicle use and improve the mode share for residents of Wentworth Point travelling to and from work via public and active transport.

Social value
  • Bennelong Bridge is part of Billbergia Group’s commitment to delivering the social infrastructure and services required to create sustainable residential communities.
  • The bridge connects the growing communities of Rhodes and Wentworth Point to parklands, shopping, entertainment and community facilities.
  • It creates a critical component in establishing a foreshore link, for cyclists and pedestrians, around Homebush Bay on the southern shoreline of Parramatta River.
  • These pedestrian and cycle paths provide residents and community groups the opportunities to engage in social recreational activities, such as walking groups, and connects Rhodes residents with amenities such as the BirdLife Discovery Centre and Blaxland Riverside Playground.
  • Additonally, the Bridge provides direct access to the newly constructed community facility in Rhodes, The Connection, providing Wentworth Point residents with opportunities to participate in activities, a free space to study and learn and outdoor public open space.

Use value
  • The Bridge enhances social and economic opportunities for two of Sydney’s fastest growing suburbs at Wentworth Point and Rhodes. It integrates Wentworth Point into the existing public transport network and provides a direct link from Rhodes to Sydney Olympic Park.
  • Bennelong Bridge has been integrated into Sydney’s public transport network with dedicated bus routes using the bridge.
  • The bridge has also been designed to carry service infrastructure including a new electricity ‘feeder route’ for 132 kilo vault electrical cables, telecommunication services and provides the potential to carry light rail services in the future.


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