Case Studies

Brassall Bikeway

Design Feature

Type of project
Local Government Initiative
The Brassall Bikeway is a high-quality path for use by pedestrians and cyclists. When completed, the Brassall Bikeway will link the Ipswich CBD with the suburbs of North Ipswich, Brassall, Wulkuraka, Karrabin and Pine Mountain. This bikeway was identified as a principal route in the South East Queensland Principal Cycle Network Plan 2016 and Ipswich City Council’s iGO Active Transport Action Plan 2016. 

The Brassall Bikeway offers a convenient, enjoyable, healthy, active and safe alternative to private vehicle use via its strategic positioning and attractive design features. In total, the bikeway will comprise approximately 13 kilometres of 3-3.5 metre wide off-road shared use path.
Supporting sustainable transport
The intention to promote more sustainable forms of transport, and the need to address the rising inactivity and obesity levels of Ipswich residents led to the conception of the Brassall Bikeway. The project was able to come into fruition through funding from the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program.

The Brassall Bikeway is primarily targeted toward the commuter cyclist, for travel to and from shopping centres, schools, public transport facilities, employment nodes and recreational facilities. In addition, the bikeway is used for recreational trips by cyclists, walkers and joggers. Construction of Stage 1 of the bikeway commenced in 2009. The bikeway is now over 50% complete, with Stages 1 to 4 open to the public and comprising approximately 7.8 kilometres of shared use path. The future Stage 5 will link the bikeway to West Moreton Anglican College. Stage 6, currently in detailed design, will form the critical missing link for commuters between the southern end of the bikeway and the Ipswich CBD. Stage 7 completes the project by extending the bikeway into Pine Mountain along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail corridor. 
A notable design feature and major contributor to the bikeways’ popularity, is the provision of activities, places of interest and facilities for cyclists and pedestrians throughout the bikeway. In particular, there is access to a bicycle learning track, a 600 metre mountain bike track (with bike repair station and seating for spectators), and several surprises that honour Ipswich’s strong coal mining heritage.
Considerable attention has been given to the long-term attractiveness of the route, with substantial emphasis on highlighting the local heritage to create a sense of place and ownership for local residents.
The installation of lighting, ‘safe city’ camera surveillance and strategic positioning of the path and landscaping to provide casual surveillance were all paramount to encourage use. Increased use of the Bikeway has further enhanced safety and confidence of new users. The safety of the Brassall Bikeway is reflected in the increasing percentage of females using the facility. 

The significance and success of the Brassall Bikeway was highlighted in 2016 when Ipswich City Council implemented a community survey as part of the development of its iGO Active Transport Action Plan. Survey results found that a majority of respondents did not currently feel safe while cycling and were concerned about being hit by a motor vehicle. This was a significant barrier to residents when considering active travel or cycling as a means of physical activity. However, the survey results also provided many unprompted and frequently expressed positive comments about the existing Brassall Bikeway and the safety it delivers. This particular outcome shows the value in purpose built active transport infrastructure that has limited and safely controlled interaction with existing road networks. 

An evaluation of bikeways undertaken by the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads in 2015 also identified that many Ipswich residents would not have gone for a cycle or walk at all if the Brassall Bikeway had not been there, therefore illustrating an increase in overall physical activity for residents in the area.
Project team
  • Ipswich City Council
  • Queensland Government – Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • A number of consultants for the concept planning, design and construction of the bikeway

Project Cost
  • $13.75 Million to date

Health value
  • Brassall Bikeway provides new opportunities for Ipswich residents to increase their daily physical activity, particularly through commuter travel. The bikeway has already seen an increase in cyclist use and a significant increase in pedestrian use.
  • The bikeway is also a valuable contributor to several of Council’s physically active programs. In particular, the ’Healthy Active School Travel’ (HAST) is supported due to the number of schools within close proximity.
  • The use of greenspace for a large portion of the bikeway provides for a pleasant environment and enhances the attractiveness of the facility for physical activity purposes.
  • The bikeway increases the connectivity and livability of the surrounding neighbourhoods and as such, produces significant health and sustainability benefits

Economic value
  • The Brassall Bikeway incorporates the use of environmentally friendly LED lighting and shade trees. The construction of the bikeway also involved work in close proximity to riparian areas of the Bremer River, Ironpot Creek and Mihi Creek. Design of the corridor and construction in these areas was carefully planned to minimise any environmental impacts. Ultimately, the intent is to encourage commuter use of the bikeway and decrease or stabilise private vehicle use which will hopefully contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gases.

Environmental Value
  • The Bikeway allows workers to actively commute, leading to increased productivity due to the benefits of physical activity on their mental and physical health. Reduced levels of community illness through a more active community can also significantly reduce the economic burden on the health system.
  • The Bikeway provides opportunities for future business growth, particularly cycling tourism and local retail, through the bikeway’s connection to the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail. The Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, comprising 160 kilometres of cycling/walking track, is a popular facility for outdoor recreational activities and a number of cycling events are held on the trail. Linking the trail to the Ipswich CBD, via future Stage 6 of the bikeway, also has the potential to increase the economic benefit to the Ipswich region.
  • In the longer term, the anticipated increased commuter use has the potential to decrease or stabilise private vehicle use which in turn will reduce the requirement for expensive road upgrades and provision of additional parking spaces.

Social value
  • This infrastructure supports social interaction by connecting new areas of the community to public transport, recreation and activity hubs. The amenities provided along the bikeway also promote a sense of place and belonging which engages the local community and serves to increase their social connectedness and mental wellbeing.
  • The regular pedestrian and cycle traffic on the shared path promotes natural surveillance which provides a sense of security and connectedness with the community and further encourages the use of the path.

Use value
  • The Brassall Bikeway is contributing to safe, connected, ‘walkable’ neighbourhoods by providing a high-quality pedestrian and cycle facility accessible to all. The Bikeway encourages healthy behavioural changes within the community. The Bikeway provides safe ‘learn to ride’ facilities for beginners of all ages and is able to be used by Council to engage the community through being a suitable facility for conducting physical activity programs.
  • The completed Brassall Bikeway will provide testimony to the necessity for purpose designed active transport infrastructure. Its’ success will act as a catalyst and foundation for future cycle and pedestrian infrastructure throughout Ipswich.

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