Sense of Place The process of City transformation through the _Grey to Green_ program is evidence-based and design-led, ensuring new spaces are integrated with the existing public realm through high-quality design. Local character has been established through the use of bluestone paving, Council-designed street furniture and street lighting, water sensitive urban design, tree planting and integrated public art. In this way, _Grey to Green_ projects appear as though they have always been a part of the City’s public realm. They are, in many cases, subtle and small-scale, helping knit the City together in a well-choreographed expression of civic pride. On both a city scale and local scale, this approach has helped to build and maintain a sense of place and character which Melbourne is known for.
To implement the _Grey to Green_ program, an Urban Design subcommittee was established. This subcommittee vetted all public space proposals going forward to Council for funding consideration. Only those that aligned with the program’s principles were supported. This process inspired a culture of change within the Council and a co-ordinated approach across the organisation. Public and political support was fostered by the incremental nature of the _Grey to Green_ program. The program commenced with the successful completion of smaller, less ‘controversial’ projects, such as the transformation of slip lanes. These projects demonstrated the benefits of the approach before larger projects were initiated and, in this way, trust and confidence in the Council’s approach was built over time.
Public participation is central to the ongoing success of _Grey to Green_, and has been refined over time, evolving from Town Hall meetings to a broader contemporary approach, including letters, advertising and digital media channels. While there was no public consultation on the formation of the ‘program’ itself, projects within the program may undergo several rounds of engagement, including meetings with residents and local businesses. This helps to facilitate exemplary outcomes by informing an understating of the community’s needs and instilling them in the designed solutions.