Annual bike counts and Census data demonstrate that levels of cycling and walking are relatively high in Alice Springs in comparison with other Australian regional centres. With generally flat terrain, a good climate and short distances, walking and cycling for transport is expected to continue to grow in Alice Springs. Distances under 10 kilometres are ideal for cycle commuting and the extension of a shared pedestrian/cycle path to the Kilgariff residential subdivision provides an excellent opportunity for active transport for residents and visitors.
The local community and key stakeholders, including local council and cycling groups, were consulted in the development of the path design. The route provides a two-and-a-half-metre-wide concrete shared path which extends the existing Stuart Highway path to Kilgariff. Wayfinding signage has been installed along the route in accordance with
Austroads guidelines for bicycle wayfinding. Importantly, the path was installed very early in the development of the suburb, so that the infrastructure was in place as residents moved into the subdivision.