Case Studies

Knutsford Fremantle

Design Feature

Type of project
### Infrastructure 

Western Australia
Awarded as the best multi-housing project in Australia, Knutsford seeks to reinforce the social, cultural and historical sense of Fremantle. Knutsford offers the City of Fremantle a high quality residential precinct that accommodates the changing needs of the growing population. The project transforms a previously neglected 1.6 hectare former industrial area into a sustainable, medium-density residential and mixed use precinct that will accommodate over 500 residents.

Context, community and belonging
Situated approximately 1.5 kilometres east of Fremantle’s city centre, the urban infill project is a 15-year development plan, with stage one completed in 2015, stage two completed in 2017 and the building of stage three recently completed in 2020. The initial two stages of the project have been designed by award-winning architect Michael Patroni of Space Agency, and is a collaboration between LandCorp and the Knutsford Joint Venture (FJM Property, Georgiou Capital and Mainpart Holdings). The aim of Knutsford has been to offer higher-density, adaptable, inclusive and affordable housing options.

Working in collaboration with the City of Fremantle, Knutsford has been guided by Directions 2031 - a Western Australian State Government Planning Policy that emphasises sustainability in the face of future population growth. The design approach is about creating a new generation of living, one that delivers a diverse, contemporary and vibrant extension that is still distinctly ‘Fremantle’.

The third stage of the project includes three bedroom terrace and town houses that cater to the community across all stages of life. Considerate site planning is centred around a series of dissecting laneways and courtyards. The laneway has been designed as a second order public realm – not only providing vehicle access but also a safe and vibrant area for neighbors to connect and children to recreate, This, alongside a courtyard orientation of dwellings, maximises opportunities for passive surveillance, social engagement and the sharing of facilities and are a good example of the Healthy Active by Design _Buildings_ design feature. In addition, Knutsford builds a sense of place via design features that recognise the former use of the site, as well as the architectural history of Fremantle. For example; the low-pitched skillion roofs mimic those of the industrial sheds formerly housed on the site and the incorporation of limestone in the building materials reflect original Fremantle buildings.

Knutsford is conveniently located within walking distance to many local destinations, including art galleries, cafes, independent retail, markets and near schools and public transport. It is additionally located 200 metres from landmark Monument Hill, and backs onto Stevens Reserve. With this in consideration, the project features abundant public open space to create a green link from Monument Hill to the north through to Stevens Reserve to the south. These surrounding green spaces will eventually be connected via an accessible pedestrian and cycling movement network to encourage safe and convenient travel within the neighbourhood, and simultaneously reduce car dependency.
Project team
  • FJM Property
  • Mainpart Holdings
  • Georgiou Capital
  • Development WA
  • Space Agency
  • City of Fremantle

Project Cost
 $65 Million Development Value
Health Value
  • Knutsford is within walking distance to local amenities, close to public transport and will be supported by an active travel network which all promote physical activity.
  • The preservation and prioritisation of green spaces promote physical, social and mental wellbeing.
  • The dwellings are designed to generate a sense of light, space and air which creates a pleasant living environment that supports wellbeing.

Economic value
  • With the capacity to house 500 residents, Knutsford may increase visitation and spending in Fremantle, subsequently boosting the local economy.

Environmental Value
  • Stage one incorporated substantial green public open space (10%) which assisted in the preservation and rehabilitation of bush regrowth and is in alignment with the City of Fremantle’s Green Plan
  • Other regrowth throughout the new stages of the site were cleared and mulched for reuse within the development.
  • Knutsford incorporates the use of recycled building materials
  • The development has low energy use on a precinct scale
  • All homes are designed to maximise solar access and crossflow ventilation.

Social value
  • Dwellings are designed and oriented to encourage the sharing of facilities and social engagement within the community.
  • The ‘village style’ layout of the stage one precinct facilitates passive surveillance to promote community safety and wellbeing.

Use value
  • Provides a blueprint for future residential housing developments, that offers a sustainable solution to address population growth without resorting to urban sprawl.
  • Offers the community affordable and inclusive housing options as an alternative to common generic offerings.


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