Street trees are an important natural asset which helps maintain livable urban environments and provide a wide range of environmental, aesthetic, economic and social benefits to the community. Increasing canopy cover throughout the City will create cooler, inviting green urban spaces that will improve the comfort of pedestrian movement and reduce the ‘urban heat island’ effect generated by existing hardstand surfaces.
An independent arborist was engaged to investigate the existing site conditions such as soil and weather conditions, infrastructure and services, water availability and existing trees in the area to inform tree species selection for the suburb.
These investigations and the appropriately selected tree species for the suburb will ensure the healthy development and longevity of the City’s leafy canopy.
The Program focuses on tree planting within the City’s suburban streetscapes, including:
- Detailed mapping and data capture of existing vegetation to identify focus areas and assist with project prioritization.
- Investigation and establishment of supporting horticultural practices and processes for species selection and soil modification to ensure healthy development and longevity of the City's leafy canopy.
- Planting of verge trees to selected locations over the life of the project.
- Development of community engagement protocols and education material for distribution.