NFSF was established in 2015 by Fremantle local and social entrepreneur, Renée Gardiner, together with funding from an Impact 100 Fremantle grant and other philanthropic sources. The grant is an initiative of Impact 100 Fremantle and the Fremantle Foundation.
The farm is situated on a former bowling green at North Fremantle Bowling Club. This site was obtained by NFSF via a peppercorn lease from the City of Fremantle.
Funding for farm infrastructure came from the initial grant money, together with in-kind support from local organisations, including Total Eden, Ruralco, Urbaneering, Holcim Australia, HIND’S and Creation Landscape Supplies.
Ongoing expenses are sustained via a model that blends traditional community garden membership systems and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) models. Specifically, the NFSF membership system enables individuals and businesses to purchase an annual share of the farm (rather than a plot, as generally seen in community garden memberships). This provides members with exclusive access to produce (as they need it, rather than at set times as seen in CSA models) and discounts on events and workshops. The site is open to the community on set volunteer days. Paying members access the site with a key lock code to open the gates and access the produce.