Case Studies

North Fremantle Social Farm

Design Feature

Type of Project
Western Australia
North Fremantle Social Farm (NFSF) is a community space that connects people through growing, making and distributing locally grown, organic food.
Growing a community though farming and food
Established in 2015, NFSF operates as a 1/3-acre market garden and community facility for events, workshops and social programs. Unlike a community garden, the space provides access to farm-style infrastructure and growing methods for urban community members and businesses.
This unique approach brings a taste of commercial food production into an urban setting, enabling the local community to understand, appreciate and connect with their food source, while enhancing the accessibility and availability of fresh and healthy food.
NFSF was established in 2015 by Fremantle local and social entrepreneur, Renée Gardiner, together with funding from an Impact 100 Fremantle grant and other philanthropic sources. The grant is an initiative of Impact 100 Fremantle and the Fremantle Foundation.
The farm is situated on a former bowling green at North Fremantle Bowling Club. This site was obtained by NFSF via a peppercorn lease from the City of Fremantle.
Funding for farm infrastructure came from the initial grant money, together with in-kind support from local organisations, including Total Eden, Ruralco, Urbaneering, Holcim Australia, HIND’S and Creation Landscape Supplies.
Ongoing expenses are sustained via a model that blends traditional community garden membership systems and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) models. Specifically, the NFSF membership system enables individuals and businesses to purchase an annual share of the farm (rather than a plot, as generally seen in community garden memberships). This provides members with exclusive access to produce (as they need it, rather than at set times as seen in CSA models) and discounts on events and workshops. The site is open to the community on set volunteer days. Paying members access the site with a key lock code to open the gates and access the produce.
The NFSF features six market garden zones; each zone is divided into 13-14 irrigated flat growing beds, mimicking that of a commercial farm design. The site also includes an undercover community space, two sheds, a green house, water tank and compost station. Food is organically grown using bio-intensive farming practices to ensure a fast and consistent turnover of produce.
The space hosts education workshops, community days and offers social farm programs, providing wellbeing focused horticultural workshops for specific target groups, such as people living with mental and/or other health issues. The social farm programs are the subject of an Australian-first research project assessing their impact on wellbeing among young people.
The initiative is coordinated by a board of directors comprising local community, business and academic representatives, and a part time market gardener who oversees operations and regular contributions from volunteers. The site is maintained through volunteer contribution, including those who project manage the space; accountants who oversee the farm budget; local businesses who generate supportive and ongoing networks; and, importantly, residents and members who donate their time to maintain the site.
NFSF is a working example of community impact on building healthy environments. The site’s success is due to the NFSF board’s dedication to building strong partnerships, responding to community needs, harnessing existing community assets and resources, and encouraging local ownership over the initiative; these actions have ensured the sustainability of this unique health promoting resource.
Health Value
NFSF offers health value through opportunities for physical activity via farm maintenance and workshops; the production of, and access to fresh, organic herbs and vegetables; social interaction and community connection, and mental wellbeing, through the restorative nature of the green space.
Economic value
NFSF is a unique and economically appealing resource in North Fremantle. Real Estate agencies are capitalising on the presence of community green spaces, such as community gardens, to enhance the appeal of residential properties. As the site grows, it may increase visitation to the area, adding to a growing North Fremantle commercial hub.
Environmental Value
NFSF incorporates organic farming methods, where produce is free from the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Organic waste management systems (composting, worm farming) are in use, and all infrastructure meets the City of Fremantle’s One Planet Fremantle Strategy.
Social value
The NFSF offers the community a strong sense of social value. A 2019/20 revitalisation of the site successfully ensured local community members and businesses feel a sense of ownership over the farm, and the active engagement of volunteers through farm open days, workshops and busybees ensures continued community engagement. Furthermore, ongoing social farm programs assist in building support networks and social capital for vulnerable groups in the community.
Use value
NFSF is first and foremost a community space. Its unique offering provides value in multiple uses, from the production of organic produce, to education around growing food and market gardening practices. It is an outdoor venue for community events and workshops, and through these initiatives a tool to enable physical, social and mental wellbeing.

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