Case Studies

Northbridge Piazza

Design Feature

Type of Project
Local Government Initiative, Placemaking
Western Australia
The Northbridge Piazza is located on the site of a once run down eating hall in Northbridge. It is now a multi-purpose entertainment area with a cafe, a community building, an outdoor LED screen, landscaped area and a distinctive Ololo mural.
A placemaking transformation
The corner of James and Lake Street has been transformed into a 24-hour entertainment space. The Northbridge Piazza is used for free dance and exercise classes, TEDTalks, acting lessons, free movies and performances. The various groups and individuals using the space are actively contributing to the new vision of Northbridge which is “a place for the community; a place people want to visit”. The Northbridge Piazza has helped establish a new sense of place for Northbridge and has encouraged increased community activity at the same time.
The City of Perth's 2003 – 2007 Northbridge Action Plan identified an increase in the following indicators for an improved Northbridge:
  • Urban improvements in the public domain,
  • Daytime activity levels,
  • Balance and mix of activities by both day and night, and
  • Visitation recorded by traders and organisations, evidenced by pedestrian surveys.

The community identified a vision for Northbridge to be Perth’s premier cultural and entertainment hub, a magnet for visitors, creating a cosmopolitan neighbourhood. The community wanted creative industries to be able to flourish alongside the existing key State cultural assets.
The design and location of the Northbridge Piazza supports this vision and contributes to the success of Northbridge.
  • The lighting of the space has been specifically designed for safety and atmosphere with flood lighting in certain areas and mood lighting in others.
  • Well-tended grass and landscaping attracts visitors to relax in the piazza, while quality paving provides a more robust surface in the high pedestrian traffic areas.
  • A number of clean well-maintained beanbags are provided for those arriving early to events, enticing visitors into the space.
  • A cafe overlooking the space offers not only a destination, but also enhanced surveillance of the piazza, encouraging a diversity of visitors.
  • Built form sleeves two sides of the open space to provide an outdoor theatre experience. 

A carefully considered program of free events attract a diverse range of people to the piazza, including:
  • Local musicians,
  • TEDTalks,
  • Acting lessons,
  • Televised sporting events,
  • Food festivals,
  • Family ‘Piazzarama Northbridge’ events, and
  • 24 hour creative presentations, movies and news.

The Northbridge Piazza is not just a place managed by the local authority; it is a space that can be hired for cultural and creative performances providing an opportunity for integration with the community.
Project team
  • City of Perth 

Project Cost
Health Value
  • Northbridge, due to the activities at the 24-hour Northbridge Piazza, is now perceived to be a safer place to visit over a longer period of the day.
  • People are more likely to walk into Northbridge and enjoy an outdoor movie or simply walk around and enjoy the atmosphere, increasing levels of physical activity, due to improved safety levels.

Economic value
  • The Northbridge Piazza nurtures new opportunities. Superscreen is a specific initiative of the City of Perth. It aims to celebrate the artistic and creative spirit in Northbridge. The City of Perth commission, exhibit, promote and support artists’ work and innovation in the fields of film, video and new media.

Environmental Value
  • The Northbridge Piazza has contributed to an improved local environment and family friendly space that is not specifically reliant on the sale of alcohol.
  • The Northbridge Piazza is an open green place that provides relief from the formal urban spaces surrounding it.

Social value
  • The Northbridge Piazza brings people together from different parts of the community, to establish a more acceptable sense of place for a diverse community.
  • Research shows the Northbridge Piazza functions as a focal point for community interaction.

Use value
  • People of all ages and interests come together to celebrate, relax and play at the Northbridge Piazza, increasing the diversity of visitors to Perth’s entertainment district.
  • The Piazza is an opportunity to showcase and expose the community to emerging new creative talent.


City of Perth, 2003 – 2007 Northbridge Action Plan. Sourced on 2 January 2013 from:

City of Perth, Northbridge Piazza. Sourced on 2 January 2013 from:

City of Perth, Perth City Get to Know Me. The Northbridge Piazza. Sourced on 2 January 2013 from:

Pracsys, City of Perth Northbridge Action Plan Report 2010. Sourced on 2 January 2013 from:

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