A thoughtful food environment
Caring for Earth is promoted through generating local food production, restoring native vegetation, green waste recycling, and encouraging organic practices. Caring for People is promoted through gathering a vibrant community of volunteers to engage in hands-on work at the Farm, and providing shared lunches for all volunteers to interact and get to know their community. Learning is promoted through providing workshops on cooking, permaculture and sustainability. City Farm Nursery provides a range of organic plants, chemical free products and advice to promote fresh food production in the local community. Farm residents believe that by practicing their activities around these values, they can create an environmentally, socially and economically just world.
NSCF leases its site from Brisbane City Council (BCC) and as part of the leasing process, the team is required to submit a maintenance and development plan every three years for renewal. NSCF also has a Contaminated Land Soil Management Plan agreed with the BCC, and any on-site developments require pre-approval. More than 1,500 exotic and native fruit trees, bush food plants, shrubs and ground covers have been planted on the four-hectare farm site since its inception.