Case Studies

Oxford Street Leederville

Design Feature

Type of Project
Placemaking, Local Government Initiative
Western Australia
Oxford Street, Leederville and the surrounding streets are an excellent example of mixed-use development with a focus on a main street design supporting healthy active community outcomes. Leederville is home to restaurants, cafes and unique retail stores. There is a skate park, Technical and Further Education (TAFE) and supporting Oxford Foyer campus. In addition, there are a number of government departments, such as the Water Corporation, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries and the City of Vincent with offices in the area. These diverse land uses are well serviced by the Leederville Train Station.
A vibrant destination
The community, through the Vincent Vision 2024 process, identified a number of City qualities, which they wanted to preserve. For the Leederville town centre, they wanted a strong civic heart with an informal character and style. The community wanted to preserve the vibrant mix of land use and activities and supported interesting design and a mix of residential housing. The town centre was to preserve the 1900’s-era facades to the main street, reinforcing a strong sense of place. 
The vision for Leederville was expressed in a series of principles, some of which would allow for Oxford Street to meet is full potential:

  • Encourage development to reflect contemporary planning, urban design and strategic approaches to town centre revitalisation.
  • Support a built environment on a human scale and in a style evoking an eclectic village atmosphere. 
  • Establish a strong sense of place through preservation of the heritage and iconic buildings, in particular the traditional shop fronts.
  • Encourage new development to reflect exemplary, contemporary and environmentally friendly designs.
  • Require convenient and efficient public transport, with integrated transport connections, to provide easy access to the town centre from all parts of the Perth Metropolitan Area.
  • Consolidate and intensify activity, encouraging a diverse mix of uses and a strong residential presence.
  • Establish a welcoming environment and strong sense of arrival at approach and entry points to the town centre, slowing traffic and creating interest in the area.
  • Provide the best contemporary town centre management, ensuring a safe, clean, well maintained area with local businesses actively involved in improving the area.

This was reinforced in the Imagine Vincent – Strategic Community Plan process which outlined the following priorities for the City:

  • Enhanced Environment;
  • Accessible City;
  • Connected Community;
  • Thriving Places;
  • Sensitive Design; and
  • Innovative & Accountable.

The adopted Leederville Town Centre Masterplan divides the Leederville town centre into eight precincts, with specific design guidelines for development. The guidelines aim to retain the current character and ‘feel’ of Oxford Street, whilst integrating and acknowledging the need for re-development.

The City is preparing a Precinct Structure Plan for the area which will adapt the existing Town Centre Master Plan, through research and consultation, to an updated planning framework which will guide future development of the area whilst maintaining the established character. Additionally, the City is preparing a Place Plan for the town centre which will guide investment in the public realm to enhance the vibrancy, character, and ability to access the town centre on foot, bicycle, or public transportation.
Project team
  • City of Vincent 

Project Cost
Health Value
  • The YMCA Youth Centre to the south of the town centre comprises a skate park, gallery and music studio, all of which support and encourages physical activity.
  • The Leederville Train Station to the south of Oxford Street promotes pedestrian movements along the length of the street with most destinations within a convenient 400 to 800 metre walkable catchment.
  • The Leederville Town Centre Masterplan requires all new developments to include end-of-trip facilities, including showers and secure bicycle storage with a view to encouraging the use of alternative forms of transportation.
  • The City’s Local Planning Policies ensure the town centre shop facades are active and interactive providing interest to pedestrians to encourage walking through and dwelling in the centre.

Economic value
  • The scale of businesses is well balanced with the Leederville Hotel, a larger entertainment venue, and smaller niche cafes, restaurants, and bars. There is a medium scale supermarket open 24 hours a day. The mix of land use supports diversity of businesses, attracts customers and therefore increases activity.
  • The City continually adopts policies to activate Oxford Street. In 2012, the City approved a four-month trial of On Road Cafe, an alternative use for car bays, in Oxford Street. Since this time the approach evolved into the Parklets policy which provides an opportunity for businesses to establish small areas of public seating, encouraging visitors to relax and stay longer in Leederville.
  • Leederville has a diverse range of land uses and businesses. Similar businesses are generally concentrated close together with other compatible businesses. The Oxford Street Retail Strip promotes activity and social interaction with retail shops, cafes, restaurants and entertainment venues (licenced venues). This is typical of most town centres, where the activity is concentrated in the core. There is also diversity in housing options catering to a variety of demographic groups.
  • The active businesses of Oxford Street area supported by the larger number of daytime employees in the area.

Environmental Value
  • The Leederville Town Centre Masterplan requires all new developments to demonstrate ecologically sustainable design by achieving a minimum of 4-star rating under the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) rating system. New iconic buildings are required to achieve a minimum 5-star GBCA rating.
  • The City’s development guidelines encourage solar panels and wind turbines to provide passive heating and cooling technologies and alternative forms of energy production.
  • All new grouped residential developments are required to have at least 50% of the living area of the dwellings orientated to the north to reduce heating costs.
  • The City’s Local Planning Policies encourage Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) which can be satisfied through the provision of an ESD report outlining the improvements that can be made to a dwelling to improve its energy efficiency.

Social value
  • Foyer Oxford is a cutting-edge youth housing service located on Oxford Street. Part of the International Foyer Movement, the multimillion dollar project is founded on the idea that ending youth homelessness can be achieved through education, training and sustainable employment.
  • The Y is a $3 million multi-purpose youth facility, which provides services and activities for young people. It includes a skate park, gig space for bands and performing arts, art gallery, multimedia equipment, Internet cafe, meeting rooms, lighting, staging and provision of some musical instruments. Staff and volunteers assist the youth in their cultural and sporting pursuits. Attracting youth to Leederville supports a lively and entertaining main street environment.
  • The diversity of destinations in Leederville attracts many different people. The restaurants along Oxford Street, Luna Cinema and Government departments bring visitors and office workers into the area. Oxford Street provides a place for many to live, work and play.
  • The local Town Team includes businesses, landowners and residents working collaboratively with their local government to improve the place. Leederville Connect is a strong town team where everything is done by community, for community.

Use value
  • The local residents, whose numbers will increase as development progresses, will provide a constant flow of activity within the town centre.
  • The location of the Y at the southern end of Oxford Street, in close proximity to the Leederville Train Station provides convenient access for youth from across the Perth Metropolitan Area. People of all ages and interests come together to celebrate, work, relax and play in Leederville.


Australian Skateboard Parks – Leederville Stakeboard Park Sourced on 4 January 2013 from:\_skateboard\_park4.html

City of Vincent, News, On-Road Café - Oxford Street, Leederville News Date: Posted 11 December, 2012, Sourced on 4 January 2013 from:\_Community/Whats\_On/News/2012/On-Road\_Caf%C3%A9\_-\_Oxford\_Street\_Leederville

City of Vincent’s Leederville Masterplan Sourced on 4 January 2013 from:\_Planning\_Projects/Leederville\_MasterplanActivity\_Centre\_Structure\_Plan

City of Vincent’s Vincent Vision 2024 Sourced on 4 January 2013 from:

Foyer Oxford sourced on 25 September 2020 from:

Imagine Vincent sourced on 18 September 2020 from:

Leederville Connect sourced on 25 September 2020 from:

The Y HQ Leederville Sourced on 25 September 2020 from:

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