Socially sustainable housing for life
To help address this, the Heart Foundation’s Healthy by Design (2004) guidelines were used to inform the plan and design of Renwick. An evaluation of the project was undertaken from 2011-2016, and although the community is still in development, the evaluation shows a good fit between Renwick’s design and the semi-rural values of its residents. Renwick is a pilot project in achieving healthy outcomes through application of healthy design principles.
In 2002, the Renwick site was identified as an urban land release site in the Wingecarribee Shire Council’s Strategic Plan. A Local Environmental Study (LES) was undertaken in preparation for development of a Local Environmental Plan (LEP) for the site. In 2004, in response to community concern about increasing housing density in the semi-rural area, Wingecarribee Shire Council resolved that there would be a maximum of 600 lots on the Renwick site. The diverse range of lot types, from 300 square metre ‘cottage lots’, located closest to the Village Centre, to 4,000 square metre ‘acre lots’, provide for a range of housing alternatives in a rural setting. As of 2016, $20,000 Housing Affordability Fund rebates are available to eligible purchasers on nominated lots under 2,000 square metres.