Key concepts:
Physical activity is associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease, 11,12,30 while physical inactivity can have the opposite effect. 31 Neighbourhood environments can influence the physical activity level of residents. 32
The link between
individual socioeconomic advantage and health is well-established. The association between
area socioeconomic advantage and physical activity and health is similarly well-established, with low area socioeconomic advantage linked to lower physical activity and poorer health compared to residents of high advantaged areas.
Australian adults living in areas of lowest socioeconomic advantage tend to have a lower adherence to the Australian Government’s physical activity guidelines than those living in the areas of highest socioeconomic advantage. 23,24
People living in areas of less advantage tend to:
Conversely, people living in areas of higher socioeconomic advantage are more likely to participate in vigorous activity, 10,37 and to walk or cycle for exercise or recreation (but not for transport/utilitarian purposes). 37,41,42
Differences in the built and social environment likely explain some of the variation in physical activity between residents of areas of low and high socioeconomic advantage as these features often also vary with area socioeconomic advantage.
Australian adults living in areas of lowest socioeconomic advantage tend to be less healthy overall than those living in areas of highest socioeconomic advantage. 45-47
Indeed, they have been identified as being at the highest risk of adverse health outcomes, 33,38,39,48 including cardiovascular disease with a 56% higher risk of cardiovascular disease compared to residents in the most advantaged areas: 38
Residents in areas of low socioeconomic advantage are also more likely to report:
This is so even after adjustment for individual level socioeconomic position (including education, occupation and household income), suggesting that the inequality in the health of residents is associated with aspects of their neighbourhood environment.
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